Solo Exhibitions
Chitrakoot Art Gallery, Samokal Art Gallery, Lalit
Kala Academy, Academy of Fine Arts, Birla Academy, Lion's Club (Siliguri), Laxmana Art Gallery, Lokayata Art Gallery, Gallery
Housmania (Norway) Club Bangladesh (Sweden) etc.
Painting Exhibition of Jahar Dasgupta inaugurated by Indian Ambassador Mr. Sachdev of Norway |
Group Exhibitions
Centre (London, Maisonde 1’ Inde, Salle Indira Gandhi (Paris), Indian Habitat Centre (New Delhi), Salon Exposition (South
Korea), Academy of Fine Arts, (Kolkata), Jahangir Art Gallery (Mumbai), Kamalanayan Bajaj Art Gallery, Gallery Wooduck (South
Korea), Prague Congress Centre (South Korea), Ashutosh Birth Centenary Gallery, Lokayata
Art Gallery (New Delhi), The Prince of Walles Museum (Mumbai), participated all group shows by Painters’
Orchestra in Mumbai, New Delhi, Shantiniketan and Kolkata.
Jahar around with Spectators in the Paris Art Gallery |
Art Camps and Workshops
Participated as an invitee in many art workshops and art
camps. Some of them are like Millenium Committee of Biswa Banga Sammelan, Camp by Merlin Group of Housing Society, Nadir Sange
Dekha, Kolkata Book Fare, Art Camp by Akash Bangla etc. He visited art camps for raising fund on Tsunami at Andaman &
Nikobor Island. Also present for various cause in Hyderabad, Shilong, Vijag, Guahati, Agartala, Delhi, Chennai, and many
places in Kolkata.
Working in a Art Camp